Zwift Cycling
Cycling,  Fitness,  Self improvement

Zwift Cycling – How I Started

Unleash the Thrills with Zwift Cycling: My Journey to Health and Adventure

Prepare to dive into a whirlwind adventure that’s got me absolutely hooked – Zwift Cycling! Let me take you on a thrilling ride through my journey from neglecting myself to rediscovering the joys of physical and mental well-being. It’s a rollercoaster tale that’s all about hitting the road, virtually.

The Road to Rediscovery

For a while, I found myself stuck in a rut, both physically and mentally, after my separation from my wife. It was time for a change, a transformation to reclaim my health and vitality. And guess what? A Christmas surprise brought a turbo trainer back into my life. It had been gathering dust during lockdown, but this time, I was determined to make it count.

Enter Zwift Cycling

Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is this Zwift cycling thing? Well, it’s like stepping into a digital wonderland where you get to pedal your way through a virtual world. It’s more than just a fitness app; it’s a global phenomenon, with thousands of riders on board at any given moment. The icing on the cake? You can team up with friends, follow tailored training plans, or even go head-to-head in races with cyclists from all corners of the world.

Getting started with Zwift is a breeze. All you need to do is mount your bike on a turbo trainer, connect it to your computer, tablet, or phone, and you’re ready to roll. Think of it as an epic online video game where your legs become the controllers for your virtual performance.

My Zwift Adventure Begins

My Zwift journey kicked off during the festive season of 2022, and as I write this, I’m in the midst of my 8th week on the “back to fitness” training plan. At the outset, I had to tackle a fitness test known as FTP (Functional Threshold Power), and my initial score of 153 watts left much to be desired. It was a tough climb in those first few weeks, but slowly and surely, the going got easier.

Zwift Cycling Plan Progress

As my commitment grew, I decided to add extra cycling sessions to my routine. I embarked on the Tour de Zwift, an incredible event happening at the time. To my delight, completing my first TDZ cycle triggered a boost in my fitness level, and my FTP score shot up. I felt invigorated and more determined than ever to conquer both the training plan and TDZ. With each event I conquered, my FTP continued to rise, and today, I proudly stand at 264 watts.

That places me in the novice 2 category, according to cycling weekly – a significant improvement from where I began. (264w/120kg =2.2w per KG).

My Zwift Cycling FTP

Stay Tuned for More Thrills!

But hey, this journey is far from over! I’ll keep you updated on my progress as I march towards the end of the “back to fitness” plan. Plus, I’ll spill the beans on my next thrilling program. So, stick around for more heart-pounding tales of adventure!

Questions? Fire Away!

Do you have any burning questions or itching curiosity about Zwift cycling? Don’t hesitate to drop them in the comments, and I’ll be more than happy to steer you in the right direction. It’s time to pedal into a world of fun, fitness, and pure exhilaration with Zwift Cycling! 🚴‍♂️💨


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